Our next Escape Room adventure took us to Stockholm in Sweden. We were exited to explore the different Escape Room options in the Land of Ikea and Latte Papas (if you don’t know what that is – ask in the comment section and we can answer). We had limited time on our weekend, so we chose three companies and just went with it. Our first choice was the room Heist by Quezzle. Let’s get the Review started:
Stockholm, Sweden
Location: Olofsgatan 18, 111 36 Stockholm, Sweden
Games (reviewed): Heist
Games (not reviewed): Post Apocalypse
Group: 2 People
Website: Escape Room Stockholm – Quezzle
Our Experience
Quezzle Escape Room was in walking distance to our hotel, which was great. We had our appointment on a sunday at 11:20 and when we arrived with the usual 15 minutes courtesy time, the location was still closed. We had to wait a bit in front of the closed metal doors until the game master arrived (still before our set starting time, to be fair). He was quite nice, let us in and brought us to a waiting area and a rather ominous bathroom. I am still not sure if this was the normal waiting area or he just brought us there because he had to clean up the normal space. Anyway, once he was ready, he picked us up, led us to the briefing area and we got our escape room briefing. It was finally time to start the game:
A perfect bank robbery. You have planned everything to a slightest detail. Number in the pot is unspeakable. And all of a sudden the unexpected happens… but there is always a way out.
The start of the game is quite nice. After entering the vault area, which is the main stage of the game, you will receive a short video message and from that point onwards, you will be guided through the game by an outside hacker. This character will also give you hints on a screen, whenever you (can) request them. Once the intro is done, you will be faced with a fairly well designed vault room – with a ton of lockers. Thankfully, they found a good way to work with all those lockers without getting annoyed by them as a player.
Heist by Quezzle is a fairly well designed game with a good combination of search tasks, logic puzzles and same math, which you can solve on your own or with some provided tools that will help the ones who are not quite as gifted in math (like us). We actually had a good start into the game, but got stuck on a one task that nearly drove us insane. We had to repeat it like 5 times and considering how time-consuming it was, it got really frustrating. The funny thing is, we absolutely knew what we were supposed to do, we were just too unfocused that we screwed it up (more than once)
Naturally, the more the games progresses, the harder the puzzles and tasks got. We struggled especially with some logic elements in the later part of the room. Two tasks – let’s call them the “gold” and the “time” puzzle – required some leaps of logic that really had us puzzled. Especially the second one stopped our game completely and sadly, we were not able to escape the room before the police stormed the vault.

Final Roar
The setup of “Heist” is one of the classic escape room themes, which is ok, but after doing a lot of similar rooms like that already, we expect (or hope) those rooms deliver more on the game part. For the first half, we actually had a really good time. We got into a pretty good flow from the moment the game started and we enjoyed the effects and atmosphere the game provided.
Sadly, the same can not be said about the second half of the game. The clues provided for the “gold” puzzle inside of the room were just plain confusing, and it is a shame because it is a fairly minor thing to fix. The game master even told us that most people struggle with that puzzle, so we would really encourage to work on this one. The “time” puzzle was another head scratcher. We thought we were doing something wrong because we simply did not see what the game was wanting us to see. We tried to ask the game master for help, but we did not receive any hint that would have helped us. In hindsight, thats not a surprise either, because we actually did everything right – we just did not see what they wanted us to see. Even after failing, once we asked the gamer master to show us what we did wrong, we were puzzled by the actual solution.
Without any spoiler, we can give you a hint though, if you want to play the room: do not get hung up on tasks. If you think you are doing something wrong, just continue and try other combinations – it may have helped us.
The gamer master communicates over a monitor in the room, you will have no way to talk with him directly. The general room design is well done and you actually feel like you are in a real bank – at least for someone who has never actually been in a real bank vault. The room offers nice effects and video interludes as well. We had a good start, sadly, there are some (fixable) issues in the second half of the game.
Bears Escape - Quezzle in Stockholm
- Location - 7/107/10
- Production - 7/107/10
- Staff - 6/106/10
- Fun - 6/106/10
Quezzle is located fairly close to a subway station and easily reachable with public transport and a short walk. Like all the rooms we visited in Stockholm, the location is fully underground and the door was just a small metal door on the ground level.
They offer two fairly classic escape room games, although we only played one of them: Heist. The look of the room was well done and we had a fairly good time during the game. Sadly, there are some issues in the second half of the game, that should be fixed to unleash the full potential of the room.
Where can I find them?
Have you ever played this escape game or one of their other rooms? Or can you recommend any other location for us to try? Please let us know in the comment section.

Escape Rooms in Stockholm – Tourist Impressions
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Hi Folks!
Nice Blog and articles. Very interesting to read all of it.
We are the owners of Quezzle and would like to correct the link to our site to the following
Link text: Escape Room Stockholm – Quezzle
Link url: https://quezzle.se/
Thank you in advance!
Hi Malik – i will update the link ASAP. And correct the name as fast as possible as well – can’t believe I got number of e’s and z’s wrong ;D