Today is not only Alex’s 26th Birthday – it was also time for another “Burpee Party”. What is a Burpee Party you might ask? It’s basically a group workout hostet by our dear friend Lunden Souza (who is also a Runtastic Fitness Coach – you can find out more about her on her blog “Life […]
We are doing a Diet-Bet

A friend of us invited us to join a Diet-Bet with her – it is a so called “Kickstarter” Diet-Bet, which lasts for 30 Days and you have to lose 4% of your body weight. Sounds pefect for our current goal to lose some weight, so we joined it. If you wanna join us, here is […]
Getting rid of the winter weight

Winter is not coming but actually leaving Austria right now. It is spring and that means that the days are actually getting longer, the sun is shining more regularly and the temperature is going up. But what does that actually mean for us? After traveling a lot the last months, we slowly lost our regular workout habits, […]