

Here you can find a list of links of other blogger friends who also offer great content. So please go check out their blogs. If you offer similar content, please contact us.

Blogger Friends & More

Escape Roomers >>
A Germany-Based Blog written by the escape-room-legend Heiner who has played more Escape Rooms in the last year(s) than we could even dream of.

TheLogicEscapesMe >>
London-Based Escape Room Blog with a ton of reviews and monthly industry updates

Super nice and cool couple from the US who travel the world – a blog and a YouTube Channel

Escape Maniac >>
A Germany-based Blog with lots of Reviews about Escape Rooms in and around Germany

EscapeTourism >>
John writes about planing his next travel destination always keeping in mind to find the next escape room.

Brit of an Escape Habit >>
Escape Room Enthusiast Blog with great Reviews covers the northern regions of Great Britain as well as some travel impressions.

Escape Room Directory >>
The biggest online directory of Escape Rooms worldwide