We have struggled to release new Reviews the last couple of month. Why did that happen and how do we plan to change that?
We are doing a Diet-Bet

A friend of us invited us to join a Diet-Bet with her – it is a so called “Kickstarter” Diet-Bet, which lasts for 30 Days and you have to lose 4% of your body weight. Sounds pefect for our current goal to lose some weight, so we joined it. If you wanna join us, here is […]
Getting rid of the winter weight

Winter is not coming but actually leaving Austria right now. It is spring and that means that the days are actually getting longer, the sun is shining more regularly and the temperature is going up. But what does that actually mean for us? After traveling a lot the last months, we slowly lost our regular workout habits, […]

Hi and welcome to the first post of our new blog – two bears life. We are Alex and Teffie and we will try to update this blog in regular intervals with all the interesting and (maybe not so??) amazing stuff that happens in our life. We love to travel, we love food, we struggle […]